Friday, 28 July 2023

31. Hosea - a very complicated love affair

Hosea picked a theme and stuck with it

1. Called to highlight the unfaithfulness of God's people, Hosea marries Gomer, a well known prostitute, and she bears three children whom Hosea names Jezreel (after the bloody massacre at Jezreel for which Jehu, a house of Israel, is responsible), No-Love-For-Israel and Not-My-People
2. Hosea believes that God's people have become like an unfaithful wife, but one day they will run out of lovers and will return to the loving relationship they once committed to
3. Hosea buys time with his unfaithful wife; this is symbolic of how God wants to bring the people back from the pagan worship practices they've been spending time and resources on
4. For God is angry with the unfaithful people of Israel, and with the priests who've led them astray; they have worshipped false gods on every high place and under every tree
5. And so God's favour is withdrawn from Israel, from those tribes that have abandoned God's ways, for that which seemed more favourable to them
6. God entreats the people to return to true worship; to be less flighty, to love faithfully as they are loved by God despite their unfaithfulness
7. When God heals Israel the wickedness of the priests and leaders will be revealed; they turned anywhere but to God, in their times of trial, their foolishness knows no bounds
8. God has been forgotten; they bow down to kings and gods of their own making, and so they can no longer hear the warnings and will be destroyed by God's wrath
9. Because the people have been unfaithful they will become unfruitful; they will be driven to other lands and they will perish 
10. When the times were good the people forgot God and trusted in themselves, but they cannot save themselves from the destruction God is sending upon the idolators in the land
11. Remember God's motherly love for Israel and how the people pulled away like stubborn children; when God roars like a mother lion, calling her children to safely, only Judah will respond
12. The tribes which have abandoned God will suffer for it in times of trial
13. They have trusted in superstition; and so the God who could have saved them - who saved them before and cherished them - has become their destroyer
14. Come back to God, turn away from superstition and self reliance; God will heal and care for you, be smart and walk with God

I suspect that Hosea's message was powerful because of the performance; deliberately marrying an unfaithful woman (prostitute or not) would certainly have kept people talking. But the written account of it we find in the bible makes for fairly dull reading. Most of all I wonder if he loved her, and how she felt about him - and what became of those poor children, having to live with such grim prophetic names?

Thursday, 6 July 2023

29. The letter to the Ephesians - bubbling with warmth and enthusiasm

Needing a break from the old testament I've turned to Paul's letters - I'd forgotten quite how much that apostle tries to cram into a sentence - so my sentences are a bit cumbersome and I've cheated by adding a sign off and a post script at the end.

1. Hello Ephesians, I'm so thankful for you - so thankful that you know God's saving power revealed throughout eternity, but known most perfectly through Jesus Christ - and I'm praying for you, praying that you will draw even closer to God and grow as a church
2. Remember that you are the church; once you were completely separated from God, but now you are united with all of God's people and with God, through the death of Christ Jesus
3. You have discovered God's secret plan (which has in fact been there from the beginning of time) to be reconciled to all peoples through Jesus, and so my prayer for you now is that you will come to know the fullness of God's love - I'm very excited and thankful about this!
4. Remember that you are now like one body, with Christ at the head; so do not let yourself be torn apart, but bind tightly to one another with love, by exhibiting the gifts of the Spirit in your life together
5. To this end remember that marriage is a good allegory for God and God's church; they should fit together, each showing love and attention to the other - Christ perfected God's part of the relationship, we must do our best to achieve perfection too 
6. In fact all relationships - even that between slave and master - should reflect God's grace; it will help you to be strong in your faith, so that you can wear it like amour, and know God's protection.
Peace and grace be with all followers of Jesus forever, love Paul xx
P.S. Tychius is bringing this letter, so he can update you more fully about what's happening to me - I'm still a prisoner, but doing okay

It's funny to me how Christian teachers pore over Paul's writings, analysing each word and turn of phrase. It creates the image of a very complicated man, with convoluted thought processes.
Stepping back and looking at the bigger trends Paul seems simple if rather forceful; he wants to see growth, unity and kindness. And he cares - he cares so much. This letter just feels chocked full of love and tenderness. The line in chapter 5 about marriage being a significant allegory closely follows the CEB translation of Ephesians 5:32 because I thought it was a good summary of what Paul was trying to communicate. Unmarried himself, Paul must've seen something in the marriages he observed that spoke to him strongly about an ideal tender, loving relationship. Fortunately Paul was not backward about using as many allegories and metaphors as possible when describing what people's relationship to God could be like, so there is plenty to reflect on for those not inspired by a marriage model in this and in Paul's other letters!

49. John's Gospel - questions for the journey

Every autumn since starting this project I've turned to a gospel account, and the only one that now remains is John. As is my habit, I...