1. We are drawn to one another by beauty
2. Our love is awakening, like the first signs of spring in the land
3. Desperate with longing, we sought one another, and prepared a chamber for our love
4. We are captivated and entranced by one another and desire only to be together
5. We missed an opportunity to be together, so we take time to meditate on what we love most, and seek the beloved once again
6. We seek a beauty that is overwhelming in it's perfection, we mustn't let it escape us again
7. Reunited, we celebrate and prepare a fragrant place to consummate our love
8. We seek the deepest intimacy, to exist only for our shared love, it is priceless and worth protecting
There is not a single mention of God in this book, so why is it in the bible? It can only be for love. It is both a celebration of passionate young love and a really lovely bit of subtly erotic poetry. It's a piece intended to be performed and has parts for a whole cast of people, but I somehow doubt that it was part of the repertoire of the temple choir. I could picture it being performed at the kings court and at weddings. And as I'm learning from this bible study through the stories of Israel, weddings were really important, and a good marriage was seen as a building block in God's plans for Israel. Yes, powerful charismatic leaders were important. Strong military leaders and skilled fighters too. But how they conducted their love lives and managed their family relationships was just as important for Israel. And a good marriage could also be a reflection of God's relationship with the people, although this kind of imagery is rarely used elsewhere. In marriage two very different people come together, and when it works well - according to Song of Songs - it is a glorious and valuable thing. Sadly though - in the present age as much as in history - this ideal of loving, passionate marriage is rarely found but remains a treasured ideal.
So no, I don't think this is a book about God's love exactly, but I do think it celebrates an aspect of love, and that certainly puts it in God's territory. I can see why it doesn't pop up in the regular readings of the church very much though (outside of weddings) - far too steamy for a Sunday morning at church!